Casting out the demons by the ruler of the demons
I don’t know which part of a recent SecurityFocus brief is the most concentratedly absurd, so I’m just going to quote it all:
World of Warcraft hackers have confirmed that the hiding capabilities of Sony BMG’s content protection software can make tools made for cheating in the online world impossible to detect. The software – deemed a “rootkit” by many security experts – is shipped with tens of thousands of the record company’s music titles.
Blizzard Entertainment, the maker of World of Warcraft, has created a controversial program that detects cheaters by scanning the processes that are running at the time the game is played. Called the Warden, the anti-cheating program cannot detect any files that are hidden with Sony BMG’s content protection, which only requires that the hacker add the prefix
to file names.Despite making a patch available on Wednesday to consumers to amend its copy protection software’s behavior, Sony BMG and First 4 Internet, the maker of the content protection technology, have both disputed claims that their system could harm the security of a Windows system. Yet, other software makers that rely on the integrity of the operating system are finding that hidden code makes security impossible.
So we have DRM malware vs EULA spyware by two companies hissing at each other all the while telling the user he’s just fine. Crackers are evil, but the bottom line is god.
The irony is just killing me. This is so fucked up on so many levels that only profanity can do its characterisation justice… it’s like an onion of lunacy that is making my eyes bleed.
Via Anton Chuvakin.