Chris Nandor inspired me to write hl, a little Perl script you can use to highlight pattern matches in input data.
Usage: hl [ -c colour ] [ -x ] pattern [ file... ] [ < input ]
You can use capturing parens in the pattern. In that case, you can supply multiple colours separated by commas, which will be used to individually colour the submatches.
will supress lines without matches.
Due to the semantics of Perl’s @-
and @+
arrays (or @LAST_MATCH_START
), my first stab was a horrible monster and incredibly difficult to debug, far harder to write than it promised to be. These arrays hold offsets into the string being matched against – one holds the indices of the start of each submatch, the other holds the indices of the end of each submatch. The entries at index 0 are special, however: they indicate the start and end of the entire match. This required terrible contortions to take into account.
And, surprise surprise, it was buggy.
In fixing my bug, I realized that the proper special case looked almost like a common case. And then I realized that by appending a phantom zero-length match to the arrays and changing index 0 to instead signify a phantom zero-length 0th match, both special cases disappear.
Lesson: when implementing the semantics turns your brain to mush, change the semantics.